Parks and Recreation Programs
Online Registrations for all programs now can be found at -
Youth Programs-
Baseball Softball Teeball Signups! Due April 11th
Registrations for this years Ball seasons are Open!
Registrations can be found online by following the link listed at the top of the page or in person at the Norway Town Office M/F 8-5pm
Baseball Assessments will be Tuesday March 18th 6-8pm - With Invite Backs happening Saturday March 22nd 2-5pm
Softball Assessments happening Tuesday March 25th 6-8pm
Reminder that Assessments are super important to make. This is where we have the players complete a serries of drills and rank them based off ability to place them on a team that will give them the most success!
Baseball Clinic- Mondays 5-6:30pm
Whether you’re a seasoned player or brand new to Baseball, It’s time to prepare for your best season yet! This 6 week long clinic will prepare you with the skills necessary to excel on the field. Join us for fun and rewarding training in the Guy E Rowe Gym Mondays March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, April 7.
$35 per player. Scholarships are available, If needed please reach out!
Registrations can be found online by following the link listed at the top of the page, or in person at the Norway Town Office M/F 8-5pm.
Softball Clinic- Wednesdays 5-6:30pm
Whether you’re a seasoned player or brand new to Softball, It’s time to prepare for your best season yet! Join us for 6 weeks of Drills and Skill building to get you ready for the upcoming Softball Season. We will be working on all the basics of the sport getting each player ready for the spring season. Happening Wednesdays March 5,12, 19, 26, April 2, 9. 5-6:30 pm in the Guy E Rowe Gym.
This clinic is open for ages 7- 14. $35 per player Scholarships are available, If needed please reach out!
Registrations can be found online by following the link listed at the top of the page, or in person at the Norway Town Office M/F 8-5pm
Softball Pitching Clinic- Wednesdays 6:30-7:45pm
Join Coach Kim Kangas Smith for this years softball pitching clinic. Happening at the Guy E. Rowe gym. This clinic will go over the basics in form and techniques for competitive pitching. Happening Wednesday Feb 26, March 5, 12, 19 For ages 12 and up. $35 per person.
Open Gym- Saturdays 10:30-12pm January-March
Join Norway Recreation Starting January 4th for our 3rd winter with Open Gym! This year open guy will be on Saturdays from 10:30am to 12:00pm. This is a time where participants can engage in socialization, creative free play, play some sports, get some inside walking done, and just hang out and have fun! This is a free, all ages, family friendly event.
After School Open Gym- 3rd Thursday of the Month 3-4:30pm
This also allows parents who would like to attend ECHO meetings an extra-curricular activity for their child to participate in during the ECHO meetings. This is a free program. Signups can be found at the Norway Town office or accepted the day of.
After School 4H Program- Starting March 5th 2-4pm
Sign up and join the fun! for this program your child will have the option to display their art work in the local Maine fairs and participate in other 4h programs. For this Program we will meet After School in the Cafeteria and work on these fun topics! Drawing and painting, Fiber arts, Candle Crafting, Leprechaun Traps , Photo Art, and a Student preference day! Happening Wednesdays Match 5,12,19,26 April2,& 9.
$35.00 per students and Scholarships are available, If needed please reach out!
Registrations can be found online by following the link listed at the top of the page, or in person at the Norway Town Office M/F 8-5pm.
Adult Programs-
Chair Yoga- Tuesdays 1pm
Chair yoga with Susan Kane starts back up on March 11th! Happening on Tuesdays at 1pm at the Norway Town Office Meeting room. This is a free program. Chair yoga offers gentle stretching, helping you to improve your flexibility and strength. it may also reduce stress and joint pain. Start the New year off with chair yoga and see for yourself how it makes you feel. Donations are welcome.
Winter Pickleball- Tuesdays / Thursdays 5:30pm Sundays 4pm
Looking for some indoor Pickleball? Download the Team Reach App on your phone and join into our Winter Pickleball group! Playing Tuesdays & Thursdays t 5:30pm and Sundays at 4pm at the Guy e Rowe Gym. This is a free event. There are only two courts available, players will cycle through and play with others. For more information please reach out to Deven at 207-890-7909
Cottage Street Recreation Park-
The Bruce Fox Memorial Ice rink is open Dawn to Dusk with use of your own equipment, unless sign posted at rink says stay off ice.
The New Balance Warming hut will be open 7 days a week! Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday 2-7pm. Wednesday 4:30-7pm. and Saturday and Sunday 10am-5pm! As always the use of rental equipment is free of charge and all are welcome!
Basketball and Tennis courts are closed for the winter.
Lovejoy Sports Complex- Located at the very end of Grove Street
Sports Complex is closed for the winter.
Lake Pennesseewassee Park and Boat Launch Facility-
Lake Pennesseewassee Park and Playgrounds are open Dawn to Dusk.